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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  November 25, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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general george washington rode into the city full of people cheering the brit' departure. the patriots claimed new york -- reclaimed it 230 years ago today. i'm jon scott in for shepherd smith. see you back here on the news desk tomorrow. fox on top of mother nature. bearing down on your mother-in-law? a fierce winter storm already canceling more than 1,000 flights ahead of thanksgiving. and that number is expected to grow and grow. hold to that drumstick because this could be tough. welcome, everyone. an arctic blast that is slamming throughout the southwest and coming eastward fast. this monster heading brit much anywhere and everywhere. there are people congregating, creating treacherous travel conditions ahead of the crucial thanksgiving holiday. and while the southwest deals with snow and sleet and freezing rain, the east coast is in a deep freeze as 43 million
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american hit the roads at airports for thanksgiving. we are all over it with our meteorologist in a frigid new york city on how bad it's going to get and how a certain parade could be affected. casey seigel at dallas/ft. worth airport where the travel nightmare is in gear. and david miller at laguardia airport where they're using three words today -- get out now. we begin with janice on this arctic blast. janice? >> reporter: yeah, neil. it's going to be tough for the next 48 hours certainly. taking a look at the maps, the storm system right now, as you mentioned, across the gulf coast and heading in toward the southeast, we could see the not only potential for some freezing rain and/or sleet and snow but some severe weather tomorrow as it pushes across the southeast and even into florida. so let's look at our forecast stimulate radar as we move across the southeast up toward the mid-atlantic. the worst of the storm for the big cities, the big cities, the i-95 corridor, is going to be
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tuesday afternoon overnight into tuesday and interest wednesday. the winds are going to kick in on wednesday, and that's going to mean travel, the air is going to be delayed or there's going to be cancelations. as you see, on the back side of the storm, we'll see a lot of snow. in some cases, upwards of six inches downwind of the great lakes. we already have winter weather advisories. as you see, freezing rain advisories for parts of the western carolinas and then all the way up to the northeast where we have winter weather watches and warnings to make sure that folks know what is on the way. so again, the timeline for the big cities, of course this is going to affect travel. if it's going to affect the big cities, it's going to affect travel across the rest of the u.s. new york, d.c., boston, philadelphia, tuesday afternoon, the first wave comes in, overnight tuesday. then wednesday, another wave moves in with very cold air. and as you see on this map, this wednesday travel, which is going to be the worst of it, all across the northeast, you'll see big-time delays on the roads and
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in the air. that's going to cause a ripple effect all the way to the mid-atlantic. the rest of the country, mind you, is going to be chilly but nice. again, we're focused on the northeast because a lot of airplanes come out of these airports. that's going to cause a ripple effect. of course, neil, on the worst travel day of the year. this is happening. we'll keep you posted from the fox extreme weather center. >> by far, janice, thanks for sticking it out in the cold of all things. janice dean, the weather machine. as shaed, close to 1,000 -- as she said, close to 1,000 flights grounded at dallas/ft. worth airport. casey seigel in the thick of it. i imagine they're getting ready for more of it? >> reporter: neil, it looks like we are really dodging a bullet, and things are clearing at dallas/ft. worth national airport. boy, it has been a rocky 48 hours or so. when you talk about a number of flights that have been canceled at the nation's sixth busiest airport, the eighth busiest in the world. something that every airline passenger does not want to see,
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this -- board after board after board of cancelations and delays. in all, 652 flights canceled at dfw yesterday. another 315 today. really still, however, a small number when you consider that dfw operates some 1,700 flights every single day. we're talking about 967 total out of 3,400. still, tray telling that to the hundreds of people who have been stranded. some forced it sleep in those oh, so comfy airport chairs or even on the floor. others shelling out their own money to pay for hotels. when it's mother nature, you got to take it in stride. listen. >> we were trying to get a flight out yesterday, or actually this morning. and they called and canceled it at 1:30 this morning when we were at theotel. so we're here trying to make arrangements to take tomorrow's plate out to reno. >> truss traiting? >> a little, yes. yes. but you got to stay calm because
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you can't handle it, and it's not their fault for the weather. they really have been most accommodating. >> reporter: the problem hasn't been so much in the dallas/ft. worth area. we dodged a bullet with an ice storm that did not really materialize overnight. but other parts of texas, like you see in amarillo, and then other parts out west, just got hammered as you heard j.d. talking about with snow, sleet, and freezing rain this weekend. and that translated into a serious backlog with getting the aircraft moved all throughout the system. it's that domino, ripple effect that we'll be feeling, unfortunately, for the next couple of days. >> thank you very much. now to david lee miller at laguardia airport where they're bracing for those delays as the storm approaches them. david? >> reporter: hi, neil. as of now, no mass exodus at laguardia airport. but that is soon expected to change. you mate say this is literally
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the calm before the storm. inside the airport terminal, things this afternoon eerily quiet. many here, though, expecting the storm to hit with that big wallop tomorrow morning, making its way up the coast. heavy rains and high winds. most of it rain, but some snow also expected. none of the passengers we talked with today say that they altered their travel plans to avoid the anticipated storm. in fact, neil, most of them said they had no idea the sterm was even in the forecast. one traveler that we talkeded with with her 7-year-old son in tow was off it wisconsin today for the simple reason it was cheaper to fly today than closer to thanksgiving. listen -- >> we decided to leave a few days early before thanksgiving. we wanted to spend a couple extra days with the grandparents, and see as many cousins and family members as possible. it was also very expensive to fly closer to the holiday. so we're leaving a few days
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earlier, then we're actually flying back the day after thanksgiving. >> reporter: meanwhile the port authority which is responsible for the airports in new york, the standard precautions are already in place. that means they have cots and blankets ready. they also say that in each of the terminals at least one food service will be open at least 24 hours. and just a few minutes ago, we did hear from delta airlines. they told us they are going to issue some type of a statement later today about issuing a waiver, some type of waiver for those passengers when want to change their travel plans. as of now, though, delta is telling fox news that no cancelations are planned for tomorrow. the best advice from all the airlines, before departing, check with your carrier. and lastly, neil, there is some good news. according to aaa, this year there are going to be about 4% fewer air travelers than last year. but still there are going to be about three million people taking to the skies.
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the bottom line here -- the busiest travel day of the year, wednesday, will also be probably the most frustrating. neil? >> amazing. david lee miller, thank you very much. just how bad could things get? travelzoo says it's not going to be pretty. what do you do in this event, gabe? how do you prepare for that? >> reporter: well, you know, i think people are going to have to really consider getting creative as to how they celebrate their thanksgiving holiday. the fact is, if you've got a flight on tuesday or wednesday and you're flexible enough, you want to start looking at flights potentially tonight, very early in the morning tomorrow. a lot of these flights are going to be going first to elite travelers that are looking to tweak their plans. once you're outside of the window, by tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night, if you don't want to deal with the inevitable delays and headaches and cancelations that will start to trickle from the east coast toward the midwest and toward the west coast, you really start to look at the potential for really tweaking your plans, sitting down and thinking instead of going home for the holidays, maybe we'll stay put.
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and -- and get creative as to how you celebrate the holiday season this year. >> what do people do a lot of times when they know of something like this, or, you know, a storm or wave of -- of freeze like this? is the better part of valor to cancel your plans rather than face this? do they all just sort of quit en masse? what happens? >> i think a lot of us are optimist and think, hey, going to head to the airport, odds are slim that my flight will be the one affected. the fact is that even if it's not your flight, maybe the aircraft assigned to your flight is stuck somewhere else because of a weather delay. even if the aircraft is at the airport, the crew assigned to that flight is somewhere else trying to get out of an airport that's been seeing a lot of the grounded flights. the fact of the matter is that we're waiting to see what the airlines are going to do. david lee miller mentioned that delta will be coming out with an announcement later today. so far, no airlines have said what they plan to do with the impending storm moving toward that -- toward the east coast. most likely, they'll try to first off try to reschedule you. but the problem is, we're dealing with not only a very
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heavy day on wednesday, but by saturday and sunday, as we try to head back, those -- those are the second heaviest travel days of the year. there's really not a lot of wiggle room here. so unless they're willing to allow you to reschedule until inside next week, then you look to see if they allow you to cancel the plate or use the money you paid for the ticket to go somewhere else. maybe dallas now that the storms have moved out, it becomes a better option. again, if you're flexible, than the east coast. >> easy for you to say, as you're ensconced in beautiful santa barbara there. good advice. >> reporter: i know. we might good night sprinkles thursday night. >> stop. all right. thank you very much, gabe. you think you're off the hook because you've still got your boss' health care plan? talk to your boss. he's looking at your plan.
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we did warn you that even if you're lucky enough on this keep your plan, you're going to have to pay for it. companies are bracing for a friday of workers to anticipate their insurance plans because of
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obama care.'s kate rogers says guess who's going to pick up the extra costs. >> reporter: employees are going to be picking up the costs because prices are going up across the board here. so employers are going to lower their own costs by passing those costs down to the line to their workers. >> i would think the new workers coming on would even that out. but not necessarily the case? >> not necessarily. so now under the aca, as we know, every individual has to have health insurance or else they'll face that $95 penalty per year for every year that they choose not to have it. the easiest way to avoid that is to get on to your employer-sponsored plan. >> and your employer was already thinking twice about the wisdom of having such a plan. at least for everybody, right? >> yeah. so now they are doing a few things here. one thing that they're doing is pushing their workers on to higher premiums -- higher deductible plans. that's one way to lower the cost of premiums. >> the overall premium stays the same, but the cost is going to rise -- >> yes. the deductible goes up. hopefully what they're thinking is that workers will be more conscious of how they're
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spending their health care dollars. and then another thing that they're doing is jacking up the costs for families. so if your wife and your kids are on your plan, they can charge you more for that. as an individual, they cannot charge you more under the aca than 9.5% of your annual income. there's no similar cap for your family. >> won't they crunch these numbers for their existing retirees for whom they provide coverage? won't they think, well, wait a minute, we've got to parcel this out? >> they may. we saw big companies doing this. in the summer, u.p.s. took any employer's spouse off their plan. they -- if your spouse could get coverage through another sort of -- >> right, right. >> they did that. we're seeing other big companies like ryder truck company today saying that their workers will be getting higher deductible plans. this is happening across the board and will be more expensive for workers. >> thank you, i think. >> thank you. tens of millions set to lose their koerpts coverage, as well. think that's a bit much? the american institute has been crunching numbers and says
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that's pretty much spot on. how would that work? would what behoove a company to do so? >> reporter: well, so, look, there's two different categories of companies here. so there's -- there's firms that buy health insurance from an insurance company and they'll be subject to very similar regulations as people in the individual market. so a lot of those firms will see that franplans will have to cha as regulations come into place. they'll make them more expensive in many cases. in some cases, they'll choose to drop them. so even larger companies that often self-insure will also undergo -- will face changes because their plans will be subject to a range of new taxes. they'll make it attractive for them, as well, in many cases to make changes. >> but -- but for a lot of companies seem to pounce first with their existing retirees for whom they might provide health coverage now. and they might rethink that either getting them off the coverage altogether, switching to private and/or public exchanges.
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do you expect that trend to accelerate, say, a year from now? >> i think it will certainly happen especially for firms that have many relatively low-income employees. for them, new insurance plans that comply with old regulations will be expensive relative to total compensation. i think it will -- it will be especially firms like that, like under construction firms or firms that provide security guards. they'll reconsider. >> obviously they crunch those numbers, as you say, and look at the costs of continuing the coverage as is. taking a penaltiy if they dump it together. i would imagine few would dump it altogether. the mass is making it more compelling to do so, isn't it? >> yeah, for sure. also because -- for example, things like the medicaid e expansion have made it more attractive for firms to say, yeah, go enroll in that, that way we can save money. the taxpayer will pay for your health insurance. >> amazing. amazing.
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stan, thank you very much. >> thank you. the health care that wasn't what he said. the rand deal. forget broken promises. is the white house broken itself, period? is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition.
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sick and tired of the deception coming from this president and administration. >> i got news for the president -- the american people, those that are not gullible, they're not buying it. continue to tell either more mistruths, more lies, and then throw more distractions into the pot. we have a politician that's more concerned about popularity. and he intentionally and deliberately, along with the democrats, deceived the american people. >> you can agree to disagree, but did not say -- do not say that herman cain was not on to
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something. between the deal that isn't wowing and the deal with iran that isn't overwhelming, let's say herman is seething. insisting the president who says he can get things back on track is wrong. things you feared -- got you in a heap of controversy, people saying, oh, is he saying the president's lying, not trustworthy, coming back to bite the president and white house on its collective hiney. what now? >> what now? two things. one, the president will have an uphill battle trying to restore the trust of the american people. it started with the premise that the stimulus package of over $800 billion was going to get unemployment down below 8%. you can't spend your way to prosperity. we found out last week that they had to fudge the numbers in order to make it get below 8%. and the people understand that. secondly, promises of being laser focused on the economy. the president promised that in
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every state of the union address, but the same policies, let's spend more money and raise taxes. then now with obama care, the -- the deception is so blatant that the entire country is shocked at how president obama and the democrats flat-out lie to the american people about what's in obama care. every day we learn more things that the people simply do not like. he has an uphill battle. >> you mentioned the employment data that's -- that's included, some say was rigged for the election. the administration's said it's not the case. even the latest revelations not the case. and it said when it came to the surprises in health care that it surprises anyone that there was no deliberate deceit, but again it falls back on something that i don't know if it's even better, ignorance. didn't see it coming. what do you think of that? >> no. look at the parade of scandals
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where the administration that the administration consistently denied them. then we find out more information. the families of the victims that were killed in benghazi, they now know that the president was not being honest with them, nor his administration. if you look at the irs scandal, t the president claimed staff claimed they didn't know anything about it. we now know for a fact that we know -- in every one of presidential scandals, there's a litany of i didn't know, i found out when the public found out about it in the media. that doesn't suggest to the public that we have a president that's providing any real on these issues. that adds to the mistrust. >> real quickly i want to switch gears to the upcoming presidential election. it's never too early, as you know. and chris christie has been get
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something controversy because of his medicaid expansion vie at federal government in his state. repudiated obama care. but did take the money to ex-fanned medicaid within his state. -- expand medicaid within his state. what do you think of that? what do you think of him? >> well, i think that governor christie is liked by a lot of people because he has a "take no prisoners" kind of approach and style of lich that's a pleaders. that's a plus. taking the medicaid money when it's a federal government -- federal government is going to dump you in three years. a lot of states saw that coming. it's a short-term decision on his part. and so i believe that a lot of people are going to find out about him. as i suggested the other day, it's great that he's so loved in new jersey and people, liberals, democrats, independents, and republicans like him as governor, and i don't mean any disrespect, new jersey is not the rest of the united states of
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america. >> you have a problem with new jersey, young man? >> no! not at all. i used it live in new jersey, but i left. >> ouch! herman cain, thank you, my friend. herman cain, ceo. sex sells, but does that always mean anything goes? when it comes to music awards shows, is it us, or is it just ridiculous? shock or just schlock? when is enough enough? ♪
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♪ ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ all because i love you ♪ i life you ♪ ♪ ♪ i love to hear you say girl ♪ do what i want what i want with your body ♪ what? come on. more shock at another music awards show. i guess not shocking, but --
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okay, tried to top the last one. >> yeah. and people are really getting off on it, neil. right? well, neil, you come off with -- hey, kids, gets off -- get off kind of guy. you oiled fld fuddy-duddy. is it over the top? of course. but it has always been so. >> no. you were saying that during the break. this is on steroids. trying to one up with the crazies. >> it's always been about pushing the envelope. this is what entertainers do. elvis presley with the hips, manned on the stage in the wedding gown sliding around -- >> and -- >> broadcast television actual had standards. no there's a different issue. people -- people love it. >> they do. the ratings -- absolutely. >> people are making a lot of money. >> obviously, i always think of the people who grab like the agents who -- who grab miley cyrus and say, "kid, you've got to put this in hyper drive and
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sis associate yourself from the old disney thing. here's the way to do it." >> yeah. because it's feeding their pocketbacks and wa-- pocketbook wallets. i'm really concerned about miley cyrus. i wouldn't be surprised if she's on the way to a place -- >> do you know what the cat thing is about? >> no. it is weird. we're looking at it now. that's weird. look, i think actually miley cyrus is not in the category of somebody like lindsay lohan who, i agree, is sort of on a slippery slope and a dangerous place. i think miley cyrus is very smart. she may not even need the advisers to tell her to go on stage with a lip-synching cat. she might come up with these ideas herself. >> you don't think it's one-upsmanship is changing how you do a musical act on a show? you can't just sing it. those days are gone. and you can't have an elaborate production. you have to hype it up. >> there are artists who literally get on stage with a pia piano. lady gaga has taken the weirdness a step too far.
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now there's a point of diminishing returns -- >> candi -- >> adele who has a stunning voice. she stands on stage with a microphone and just -- everybody is in raptured attention. >> she's a class act. and miley cyrus, i mean, i see her coming apart every single time that i watch her. >> she's making money hand over fist. >> she is. and so are her agents and managers. i guess i'm wondering, where are her parents. >> you're saying there is no different than it was in her youj day with madonna. now this is more like madonna? >> it's always been so. i talked about elvis. but you think about the rolling stones who push the envelope. every generation has their arltist. >> where is this going? like in a faurs -- >> total nudity. and you can't wait, neil. i know you can't wait. >> i'm thinking like lawrence welk. >> lawrence welk. yeah. >> don't you give me that look. like those days are gone. and a-one, a-two, and --
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>> they'll make fun of that on "saturday night live." we love you, though. >> fine, fine. okay, fine. i still have hope for society. >> you're square, but we love you. >> all right. fine. you know, some celebrities are, though, an inspiration. enter wrestling star john cena who, unlike me, built for comfort -- this guy is a still -- >> everybody knows in television live content is king. nascar made a huge deal. tennis made a huge deal. live content like your show -- >> why do you say -- >> they want to see you, watch you immediately. >> you put me down last of all those things. >> well, if you played tennis or drove a car in studio around the studio 200 miles per hour, it may be a tad different. the dynamic of the show -- >> you think it's easy reading a prompter every day? >> i do not. i think you're a prompter genius. my character on wwe plays one of aspiration, innovation, motivation. like i try to defy all odds and do what i can to do the right
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thing. kmart picked up on this concept. from a branding standpoint, i didn't outright leverage myself. i've wanted a piece and equity in the brand. so there was up-front money plus equity in the brand. >> you're attentive to this stuff. you don't want your name wasted or thrown out there. >> especially because in venue, we do all this monster business in venue. when our concerns come to the venue, you don't want to leverage your in-venue brand with retail knowing that retail's probably going to costs a bit. >> don't let it exploit you. that's how i was with my deals. cinnabon wants to use my name and likeness. i said no. >> that's the second cinnabon reference on the show. >> look, i mean, i have a deal with them. how long can you push this? >> i made a pact with myself that when i can't keep up with the young guys, i will gracefully walk away. >> i've never made such a pact in journalism. >> well, maybe i can come -- >> as soon as i do that -- >> we can do the show. i'll take the cup of coffee and try to eat as many cinnabons as i can in an hour. third reference, by the way. >> this is my gravy train.
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you know how petrified that guy was of me? like, not. 8:00 p.m. tonight. fox and the network including the smackdown live. maybe the pres should be taking cues from the mayor. yeah, that mayor. guess what, his poll numbers have been climbing. reason enough, the white house might want to be listening to an expert helping clients overcome the embarrassing, no matter how embarrassing. hi honey, did you get e toaster cozy? yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate.
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[ bleep ] >> no one but no one is going accuse me of having escorts and doing lines of cocaine at a bar and saying i'm making sexual advance force my other staffers. i'm -- advancies toward my other staffers. i'm not going to put up with it. i used unforgivable language. [ bleep ] >> get off the -- >> partner? >> get off -- >> thank you! [ chanting ] >> rob ford! >> you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years? >> yes, i have. one day i do want it run for prime minister. >> again, who do i speak to about the proper code of conduct? >> with respect it code of conduct -- >> stop. >> mayor ford, please stop
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disrupting. [ bell ] >> you don't want to hear -- >> you're not beinghful. >> have you been into that house? >> i have no interest, i'm not a crack user. >> next october 27th, let the people decide on who they want to run the city. >> to know him is to marvel at him, eh? his antics, history, and his poll numbers. are you sitting down? of course, you are, can watch standing up -- some do. the man who makes so many laugh might have the last laugh. rob ford's poll numbers are up even as shen begans pile up in the media. we remember another mayor who the media similarly dismissed in the country, marion barry.
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and he, too, was caught up on -- ironically -- smoking crack on tape. the media said he, too, was finished. terms out -- turn out, d.c. voters did not agree. as my fox colleague now wanted to share the former mayor's story. >> i got nothing. >> nothing? >> no. >> you saw something some micro that the media didn't at the time. >> i met marion before he was the mayor the first time. sort of 78, 77, 78. we're going back. he was running around washington, d.c., in -- with the hair and the whole thing, yeah. and toting a gun, by the way. he came to my office, his an ad agency, scared the hell out of me frankly. beneath that, i could see this man had it all. he had that thing you can't buy, it's a cliche, but that thing
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that makes television stars. nothing personal, neil. >> it's all right. >> no. >> i'm here thinking -- who am i to be offendeded? >> i want to talk to but that. >> fine. >> he had that thing that you can't buy. >> obviously got elected and even when everything hit the fan, got him re-elected. how? >> the people remembered, and of course the famous line when -- it worked. really worked when he was caught with a prostitute smoking grass and god knows what else, and when the camera caught him, the line -- >> so and so set me up. >> no, didn't say "so and so." yeah. and they remembered -- by the way, he was set up. >> fine. but -- >> words of inspiration for mayor ford. >> went to jail. yeah. he and the people in washington loved him. and for good reason, by the way. when he was mayor for the first time, got a lot done in the
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schools. he cleaned up crime -- >> you say there's a big difference. a lot of the constituents personally liked the guy. foibles and all. >> yeah. and ford, he -- i mean, first of all, that's the funniest scene on television, him knocking that woman over. no -- yeah. >> but you say there's some common traits, and that is their core constituents like him. >> period. they -- >> what's the media missing? what's the council missing? >> the media's not missing it. they're showing it. >> the media thinks this is going to doom the guy. you're saying this is the stuff that could further -- >> they're feeding in to him. they are. he's not as cup as you might think. okay, but squashing -- >> i find it's interesting that you're accusetory. >> no, some people -- i don't have to take this. i have another job. >> really -- >> i can't tell. >> looking at this, you're saying, what, that -- for those
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in the mainstream media who are trying to understand how it is that this guy's poll numbers go up, how? >> they are missing the point, what you keep saying, that he is well loved. he can do no wrong. >> it's one thing to be a lovable rogue. but you can also be a lovable lunatic and have inspiration -- >> i don't know this guy from toronto's record. i know marion's, and i know what we did advertising-wise. we talked about how he cleaned up washington with crime and schools and neighborhoods. we kept harping on, that and people remembered -- >> did you ever do any work for hugo chavez, anything like that? just kept it -- >> no. hilt came to me, but i -- hitler came to me, but i said no way. no. >> the lesson finally is that, don't underestimate the person -- >> people will forget -- yeah. marion, though -- i'll tell you a funny story about marion. >> my good -- >> no. in is good.
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all right. fine. that's it? >> don't tell me -- tell me the story quickly. >> all right. an announcer for the first campaign, the voice, the voting rights, was a man named adolph caesar. adolph was an actor and went on to get an academy award nomination for "a soldier story." he was a powerful voice. fast forward to rare moon running for mayor again in '93, whenever it was. he said, "i want to use adolph." i said, "he's passed away." i said, get him. you couldn't take -- wouldn't take no for an answer. that was marion. when we worked with anything, get it done. we did. we got another announcer, by the way, because he was dead. >> what's his name? what was -- >> yeah. he was -- >> that's very good. i learned a lot. >> you didn't learn anything. >> no. >> you -- >> it was an honor having you. >> thank you. it was an honor being here. >> thank you. you have to go now. >> is that it?
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>> we will have a lot more -- >> i had a song -- >> no, please. that's it. time for a commercial. we'll have more including a fast one banks are pulling after this. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year
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for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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paying up just for putting money in. if the new report is right, your next bank deposit may cost you. what are they doing? >> banks take money and they deposit it with the federal reserve. the federal reserve is paying something like a quarter on every $100. just something minimal. the federal reserve is nervous because they're pumpbing in all this money to banks and the u.s. government and it is doing nothing for main street. in the meantime, their balance is swelling. they're afraid. they may actually go to zero or maybe negative. the banks aren't getting anything from the fed, guess
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what they're going to tell customers. you don't get anything from us. we're going to charge you to hold your money. >> one thing about charging you for checking accounts if they go below a certain level. this is for those doing the right thing and putting money in savings accounts and cds, whatever. doesn't that bite the hand that feeds them? >> for them, if they take in cash, they've got to pay insurance on it, fdic. then they've got this thing called -- they have to pay for that. >> someone has to shine them off. >> the occasional teller. they have overhead. they're like, we would rather not take the cash. >> this is something the fed has foisted on them. >> this is something the fed is hinting at. because the fed knows what they're doing now, buying these bonds, it's done nothing. it's moved the needle none, zero. but i got a novel idea for the bank. how about lending that money? how about lending it out? >> they say they can't. you don't buy it. >> are you kidding me? we could -- we say, you know,
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loans right now, we put a sign right there, neil, we're making loan, we'd have a line from here down to times square. of course, listen, i understand the dodd/franks stuff and that's a legitimate beef but the banks have it pretty good. they get this money at almost zero from the fed. lend it out at a certain percentage to select customers. businesses come to them. this is ridiculous. we've got a serious quandary on our hands. the federal reserve knows it's created a monster ticking time bomb. when it goes f, none knows. every day, we have people say it's going off tomorrow. the point is, we do know that bank, need to start lending that money. the irony of it all, they may have to give it back to us or charge us for our money. yeah, thanks a lot. my bank, by the way, already does that. >> even you, even you. >> they say my money is their money. we're in it together. >> charles, thanks. can you believe this, 50 years ago today, he was laid to rest. sadly, a little more than a decade after that, something else was laid to rest. the last man to walk on the moon
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on what else we buried with john kennedy after we got to the moon.
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vo: it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes.
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buit never hurts to see if u can find bettoverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care la open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare 50 years ago today, it was over. it was all over. the president of the united states was finally laid to rest. after the dramatic news of his shooting in dallas and then his
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shooter's shooting 48 hours later in dallas, after the somber funeral march and the silent heads of state, jfk quietly laid to rest in arlington cemetery. a beacon for many gone. perhaps the space program's biggest booster silenced. kennedy would not live to see his once deemed impossible dream come true. a man landing on the moon. just as he would not see the unwinding of that space program itself soon afterward. gene cernen remembers how things changed very quickly after jfk left the scene. the last man to walk the moon, the commander of "apollo 17" with us now. he was the inspiration for space. after the moon landing, a lot of it went away, didn't it? >> he was the one who challenged the country, committed the country, said we have to be bold, said it's not good enough not to be first, a leader of nations needs to be a leader in
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space. i really wonder if he were here what he might be thinking. >> i wonder too, gene. i mean, given his passion for space. it wasn't just about with the race with the soviets. that obviously dominated in the beginning. he was genuinely curious and eager to reach out to the heavens. try t trite as it might sound. he had a genuine interest that that might be man's next frontier. we have not heard that kind of talk out of the white house since. and something that we took for granted, our leadership there, we just squandered away. >> yeah, neil, you know, we all remember bits and parts of what he said. but none of us remember the details of what he really believed in. you could see it in his speeches. you could see it in his speech here not just to the congress but here to the young folks in houston, at rice stadium, at -- to know, and i don't know how we
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got where we are today. we don't have leadership in space. we don't have the desire to be excellent. we have no mission, no goal, no plans for the future. i hate to say it, but it may very well be true. if you want to go to the moon, you better get a chinese passport. and that is unacceptable to the american people. >> what did we do wrong? i'm sorry, gene, but what did we do wrong? kennedy himself was talking in the months before his death about looking, sending a man to mars, about going way beyond the solar system. was it just that the moon thing captivated everyone after it was said and done? >> well, no, he said we're not going to go to the moon but we're going to do the other things. certainly, mars, mars was, i believe, in his agenda. as far out as it was. remember, all these challenges and commissionment came in the terrible 60s. the birth of the drug age.
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campus unrest. civil strife. very unpopular war. this man had not only vision and not only was a dreamer but i believe he was politically astute at the time. but he knew, he truly knew where he wanted this nation to go. he absolutely committed himself and said it to us. that it was unacceptable, ever, to be last. and here we find ourselves a half a century later and we are, indeed, last. we have become a third world country in space, kneneil. i'm sorry, that's the way it is. the thing about it, we have to give our young kids, those teenagers out there -- >> you're right, gene. >> follow-on generation something to believe in, something they think they can make happen. >> it's the special this weekend. >> hello, it's 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five."
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big show today. lots to get to. including iran crushing us at the nuclear bargaining table leaving only our key ally israel alone and surrounded by people who want to kill them. some big storms that may make it harder for you to get home this thanksgiving. we'll tell you who's going to get hit and when. first, more dishonest from the white house on obama care. americans don't trust the administration and for good reason. they haven't been straight forward about anything.


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